Creating Keyboard Shortcuts for Connecting and Disconnecting Bluetooth Devices on Mac
How to create keyboard shortcuts on macOS for quickly connecting and disconnecting to your AirPods (or any Bluetooth device) using `blueutil`.
macOSRecent TILs
How to create keyboard shortcuts on macOS for quickly connecting and disconnecting to your AirPods (or any Bluetooth device) using `blueutil`.
macOSJust wrapped up implementing metagen to handle meta tag generation for my site. It's a really nice package that makes it easy to generate the correct meta tags for each page.
metagenSome helpful commands for working with base64 encoded java key stores and x509 certificates.
javaGifs can be a helpful way of supplementing documentation with visual examples. Here’s a workflow for doing so using MacOS and ffmpeg.
ffmpegGetting up and running with 11ty and extending the default starter to include a TIL section.