Automating metatag generation with metagen
Published: metagenJust wrapped up implementing metagen to handle meta tag generation for my site. It's a really nice package that makes it easy to generate the correct meta tags for each page.
I'm using it in conjunction with 11ty and eleventy-plugin-metagen to generate the tags at build time.
I created a file metadata.json
with the following data:
"globalTitle": "Logan Ayliffe",
"baseUrl": "",
"language": "en",
"locale": "en_US",
"generator": "eleventy",
"globalType": "website",
"site_name": "Logan Ayliffe",
"globalDescription": "Exploring ideas and sharing projects related to the web, climate change, neurodiversity, immigrant life, and more.",
"author": {
"name": "Logan Ayliffe",
"email": ""
"globalImage": "",
"globalImageAlt": " in white text in a green bubble. In the background are a variety of potted houseplants. ",
"globalImageType": "image/jpg",
"globalImageHeight": "680",
"globalImageWidth": "1300",
"twitterCardType": "summary_large_image",
"twitterHandle": "logan_ayliffe",
"blogFeed": {
"url": "",
"title": "Logan Ayliffe Blog",
"subtitle": "The feed for my blog, wherein I explore ideas and share projects related to the web, climate change, neurodiversity, immigrant life, and more."
"tilFeed": {
"url": "",
"title": "Logan Ayliffe TIL",
"subtitle": "The feed for my TIL (Today I Learned) posts, wherein I share mostly work-related things I've learned."
"blogMetadata": {
"articleType": "article"
"tilMetadata": {
"articleType": "article"
Then I added a metagen specific shortcode to my root layout template pageLayout.njk
title = title or metadata.globalTitle,
desc = excerpt or metadata.globalDescription,
type = type or metadata.globalType,
img = image or metadata.globalImage,
img_alt = imageAlt or metadata.globalImageAlt,
url = page.url | url | absoluteUrl(metadata.baseUrl),
name =,
generator = metadata.generator,
site_name = metadata.globalTitle,
twitter_card_type = metadata.twitterCardType,
twitter_handle = metadata.twitterHandle
And bam! I have meta tags for each page that are generated at build time. I can also override the default values in the front matter of each page if I want to.
Here's an example of the meta tags generated for this page:
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>Automating metatag generation with metagen</title>
<meta name="title" content="Automating metatag generation with metagen">
<meta name="author" content="Logan Ayliffe">
<meta name="description" content="Just wrapped up implementing metagen to handle meta tag generation for my site. It's a really nice package that makes it easy to generate the correct meta tags for each page.">
<meta name="generator" content="eleventy">
<meta property="og:type" content="article">
<meta property="og:url" content="">
<meta property="og:site_name" content="Logan Ayliffe">
<meta property="og:locale" content="en_US">
<meta property="og:title" content="Automating metatag generation with metagen">
<meta property="og:description" content="Just wrapped up implementing metagen to handle meta tag generation for my site. It's a really nice package that makes it easy to generate the correct meta tags for each page.">
<meta property="og:image" content="">
<meta property="og:image:alt" content=" in white text in a green bubble. In the background are a variety of potted houseplants. ">
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image">
<meta name="twitter:site" content="@logan_ayliffe">
<meta name="twitter:creator" content="@logan_ayliffe">
<meta name="twitter:url" content="">
<meta name="twitter:title" content="Automating metatag generation with metagen">
<meta name="twitter:description" content="Just wrapped up implementing metagen to handle meta tag generation for my site. It's a really nice package that makes it easy to generate the correct meta tags for each page.">
<meta name="twitter:image" content="">
<meta name="twitter:image:alt" content=" in white text in a green bubble. In the background are a variety of potted houseplants. ">
<link rel="canonical" href="">